Structured Analysis

Structured analysis is a development method for the analysis of existing manual or automated systems, leading to the development of specifications for a new or modified system. The underlying objective in structured analysis is to organise the tasks associated with requirements determination to provide an accurate and complete understanding of a current situation.

The word structure in structured analysis means:

1.The method attempts to structure the requirements determination process, beginning with documentation of the existing system.

2.The process is organised in such a way that it attempts to include all relevant details that describe the current system.

3. It is easy to verify when relevant details have been omitted.

4. The identification of requirements will be similar among individual analysts and will include the best solutions and strategies for systems development opportunities.

5. The working papers produced to document the existing and proposed systems are effective communication devices.

This method of analysis has become synonymous with data flow analysis which provides a tool for documenting an existing system and determining information requirements in a structured manner.


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